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Suggestion for finding the wiki?

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 9:21 pm
by semplerfi
Sorry I have to ask but how does one find your wiki? :oops:

The only link I can find is on the top page of this web site and it takes me to the wiki forum. :?

Would it be possible to create a link to the wiki that is a little more out in the open? Maybe something as simple as a sticky thread at the top of the wiki forum with a link to the wiki in it.

Re: Suggestion for finding the wiki?

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 10:02 pm
by Mac_Fife
I wanted to modify the forum template to embed some links, but JW understandably wanted to keep the forum 'vanilla' in order to keep it simple for applying security updates to the software as they became available. The wiki has links back to the forum, because you don't need to change the wiki template for that.

If you look in the Resources and Tools forum (open that forum listing) you'll find a list of "Resource Links" to the Wiki, Blogs, IRC, etc.

I actually thought the wiki link also appeared in the wiki forum, so thanks for pointing that out. The reason the wiki isn't directly linked from the home webpage is that at one time it was, but as soon as we did that it started getting hit by spammers. We've closed the loophole in the default securities now but we decided to leave it so you had to register on the forums to be able to "find" the link, as an additional spambot deterrent.

EDIT: Added link to resources

Re: Suggestion for finding the wiki?

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 4:05 pm
by JWPlatt
Mac_Fife wrote:I actually thought the wiki link also appeared in the wiki forum
It was. I moved all the resource links up a subforum level into category of their own in the Resources & Tools forum. I decided to not duplicate them within each resource because I thought it was overkill. But if you would like a copy of the respective links within each resource, I can add it.

Re: Suggestion for finding the wiki?

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 5:40 pm
by Mac_Fife
It's OK, I just added a sticky post to point to the wiki. That's fine, because I could add a few words and make the link point to the Community Portal page instead of the Main page, since it's maybe more directly useful.

Re: Suggestion for finding the wiki?

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 5:55 pm
by JWPlatt
How about I change the link to also go to the Portal?

Re: Suggestion for finding the wiki?

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 7:24 pm
by Mac_Fife
Yeah, OK (... or I change the Main page and the Portal over... No, that'll just confuse everything!)

Go for it JW!

Re: Suggestion for finding the wiki?

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 12:15 am
by JWPlatt
semplerfi, I think your concern has been thoroughly addressed at the point with the new site nav menu. :D