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SD&D Outline & Wiki Additions

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 6:05 pm
by Nalates
I am starting to write the outline and stubs for SD&D information move to the wiki. I have added to the first page. See SD&D Wiki

One item we have touched on in several places is the ideas of simple rules and the dangers of overly complicated and tightly defined rules systems. I want to add a section in the wiki on the pro's and con's of either choice. I'll try to collect that information as I parse the various SD&D sections then place it in the forum for comment before adding it to the wiki. I would like examples of both choices, but naming of Uru community forums is problematic. So, keeping the information generalized is important.

With each of the other sections in SD&D, I'll post a summary of the section, which will be a draft of what is to appear in the wiki. Comments on my summary are welcome. Others are also welcome to summarize sections of SD&D for the wiki.

I appreciate the participation so far. Getting the summaries done, is the conclusion of the first round and completes the goal of the project. My intent is have the project remain active, probably less so, to handle new issues and ideas as they come up.

Re: SD&D Outline & Wiki Additions

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 5:56 pm
by JWPlatt
It's really great to see the wiki started. Thanks for all your contributions here so far, Nalates!