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Re: Minkata test shard -- discussions and questions

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 9:09 pm
by Marten
Annabelle wrote:I'm not sure to understand well...I don't use debug logging at all.
I hope this explanation will help:

The user client distributed for use with Minkata has debug logging forced on. Mac is not talking about the commands that you would use inside the client to save logs, but rather a feature that has been compiled into the client. Look in your Documents\Uru Live\logs folder and you will see large text files with a record of your in-game activity interaction with regions and objects.

Re: Minkata test shard -- discussions and questions

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 9:21 pm
by Mac_Fife
Annabelle - a language confusion, I think :)

I didn't mean anything about how you log in to Minkata, but the standard client we have set up for Minkata creates a log of significant events while you play to aid in debugging. If anyone hits a problem while playing on Minkata we'd be grateful if they'd send us copy of the log on a support ticket.

Since you didn't know that this logging was taking place Annabelle, I should probably tell you to check in your "My Documents\Uru Live\Log" folder (or "Documents\Uru Live\Log" folder on Vista/Windows 7) - You'll find a UruLiveYYMMDD.Live.Log file in there for each day that you've played on Minkata. They can get quite big so you probably want to delete old ones regularly.

These debug logs will become more important once we start testing new features, when we'll need as much information as possible on any problems people have. But writing the logs uses up time, and that's what I think is causing the differences you see compared to MOULa. Minkata is using the same Age files and the same PhysX engine as MOULa, so an internal client would not help you.

There's a little bit more about the debug logs in this thread: viewtopic.php?f=108&t=671
Tai'lahr wrote a good post on reporting bugs and submitting tickets: viewtopic.php?f=108&t=685

EDIT: Marten beat me to it !

Re: Minkata test shard -- discussions and questions

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 4:23 pm
by janaba
I finally collected my red and green markers to see if everything's working as it should and
to be able to create marker games/missions and test its functionality and I can say that
everything is working absolutely great and fluently, I didn't even experience the Debug
delays you're talking about here ... :P

I've saved my log somewhere else in case it could be useful for anyone ... As far as I remember there
was mentioned somewhere else that it could be of help to know the time we did our marker excursions
so you could look up for yourselves if everything worked properly in your files ...

My log btw tells me a time at GMT instead of my local time at GMT+1 ... Besides that I've been entering
Great Zeero after finishing my red+green markers as of my log at 14:41:11 (which is GMT, I entered at 15:41),
so, that'd be 07:41 am KI time.

It says besides much much more lol (time above):
Debug Net: Loading age Great Zero
Debug Paging in room Great Zero Interior
Debug Paging in room Marker GameGUI

I've created a Marker game there and at that time.

Yeah, that's it so far. In general it would be really great to have 'one single place' where people who
like to do some testings whenever time permits are able to actually see if there's actually a need to
do so and what issues/bugs/improvements/updates exactly the developers like us to look into and
also to inform us, the testers, afterwards when sufficient testings approved whatever issue/update etc.
working properly through that 'fixed/sticky topic/thread, so that it'd be always and to everybody clear
if there's actually work/testings to be done besides roaming through all the ages ...
Thanks in advance so far ... :D

Wow... just had an sql error like in the morning and it wasn't just me as of this --> ... :)

Re: Minkata test shard -- discussions and questions

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 4:52 pm
by Mac_Fife
From what I've seen, I think the debug log is always written using UTC (GMT) rather than local time.

If you sign up for notifications on the "Ping!" thread then you'll get an email to tell you when there's something happening. The post in the ping thread will usually link to a post or thread where we'll tell you more, and in the case of updates what sort of things we're expecting folks to test.
janaba wrote:Wow... just had an sql error like in the morning and it wasn't just me as of this --> ... :)
Yeah, I was watching as the server slowly crashed :roll: SQL went down first, then the main HTTP stuff. but it came back up fairly quickly :)

Re: Minkata test shard -- discussions and questions

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 4:59 pm
by janaba
Ahh, great!!! Thanks, Mac_Fife, I just subscibed to the RSS feed of that topic and for email notifications additionally ... :D

Re: Minkata test shard -- discussions and questions

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:19 pm
by Annabelle
Ah great guys (Marten and Mac_Fife) thanks a lot!

I understand what you mean now. There is a process in the background writing on my PC all what I'm doing when online on Minkata. So this is maybe the source of the issue I'm encountering.

I fear to look at one of the log, maybe I'll find... "Hmm Annabelle, what are you doing in this area? You aren't supposed to get there!" :lol: I can't help myself.

After looking at one of the log file: :? :? :? :lol: Oh well! As long as you understand it when we will test some features, I'm good with it.

Re: Minkata test shard -- discussions and questions

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 8:51 pm
by janaba
As I've confirmed somewhere else, the Minkata sparkly made our all day and resides on its Sun Disk as it should ... :P

Everything else in Minkata is working perfectly well, too, the flashing book of the sparklie, the boots are there,
didn't look for the soccer ball yet, and being surrounded by great music almost everywhere in Minkata was once
again uplifting and awesome ... Have one more wedgie now ... :)

The Relto books do what they've been inspired/coded to do, they all open to the last page viewed which is great ...
The copying of the 'init' folder and the avatar picture was easily done, thanks for the hints ...
Yeah, and the 'Donate' button works properly, I've tested already where it leads me to and will dig deeper into this
neat facility by next week ... :mrgreen:

And last but not least I've been gifted a marker mission, is that a gift from the OU team or by an anonymous
explorer? ... However, thanks to 'Anonymous' lol and to all programmers and coders and everybody else involved ... :D

Re: Minkata test shard -- discussions and questions

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 11:17 pm
by Marten
Anonymous marker mission?

I wonder if the fix for did not get applied to the server...

Re: Minkata test shard -- discussions and questions

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 7:58 am
by Mac_Fife
I'd be inclined to concur, Marten - I received a Ki pic with no sender info. Maybe the server update undid the fix?

Re: Minkata test shard -- discussions and questions

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 8:31 am
by a'moaca'
Dunno about any KI pictures, but

Congratulations to janaba for finding the MOSS easter egg! :lol: