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Minkata Update Build #165 2020.05.12

Posted: Wed May 13, 2020 12:52 am
by rarified
This will be a significant update for Minkata and Minkata-alpha.

This update has the game client built with a new set of compilers. There have not been any feature changes to the client.

Building the client with new tools (for Minkata/MOULa) invites a host of ways the client can break. In addition to the compiler producing slightly different instructions with the same source code (resulting in different behavior), the client will depend on new or updated libraries on the host machine to work properly.

The client is being deployed to a Minkata-alpha now. It does not yet have an automatic feature to update any needed libraries. Instead the UruLauncher will download installers for the prerequisite software. The installers which will be present in your Minkata install directory are
  • vcredist.exe
  • dxwebsetup.exe
  • oalinst.exe
It is likely that as soon as the Launcher program finishes downloading the updates for Minkata, and attempts to start the game client, that the game client will fail in some unusual way. If that happens, please run the installers listed above in the order they appear. Then try launching UruLauncher or UruLauncher-alpha again. I mentioned in the OpenUru #dev channel that if you are adventurous, and encounter the client being unable to run the first time, to only run one of the installers at a time and report back here what error you received before you tried using each installer. See the Discord discussion for more information.

Once you have a working client again, please try to play through as much of the game you can, to exercise as many parts of the client as you can. As usual, please report bugs back here.

I will post an update here when the new client is deployed to Minkata and an automatic feature to run all the installer dependencies has been added to the client.


Re: Minkata Update Build #165 2020.05.12

Posted: Wed May 13, 2020 2:17 am
by dgelessus
Summary of what I've tested and observed so far (from this Discord discussion). All of this is using build #165 of Minkata-alpha (I have not tested build #166 yet) on Wine 5.0 (5.0-3ubuntu1) on Kubuntu 20.04. Wine is configured to pretend to be Windows XP (version number 5.2.3790), but this is probably not relevant to anything.
  • The build #165 launcher is unable to run unless libeay32.dll is manually added to the Uru directory. This should be fixed already in build #166 (haven't tested this yet though).
  • After adding this DLL, the new launcher runs without issues and downloads the new installer files.
  • I am able to log in and play without having to run any of the new installers. This is probably because I'm running Uru under Wine, which seems to have many versions of the MSVC and DirectX runtimes preinstalled. On a normal Windows system this may not be the case.
  • When returning to the cleft at the end of the hand journey and entering the new code into the imager, I got the big KI into a bugged partially visible state. I was in the close-up view of the cleft imager and also had the big KI open. I closed the big KI and then quickly clicked on one of the imager symbols. This caused the big KI's "file list" to reappear, even though the rest of the interface is in small KI mode. (Screenshot.) Clicking on an entry in the file list makes it disappear (but when I reopen the big KI, the file I clicked on was opened). I don't know for sure if this issue is related to the new changes (though I have never run into it before, and rarified said on Discord that he has never seen it).
  • After listening to Yeesha's speeches in the hand journey ending, I was in first-person mode and climbed up the cleft ladder, leading to the ending scene with the Bahro climbing into the mountain. The cinematic camera (detached third-person camera looking closer at the mountain) did not trigger, instead the camera remained in first-person mode during the scene. Once the scene was over, the camera jumped to the correct cinematic position and immediately panned back. Again, I don't know for sure if this is a new issue, but I haven't run into it before.
  • When exiting the game, I did not get a stack dump, which I usually do with Minkata on this setup.

Re: Minkata Update Build #165 2020.05.12

Posted: Wed May 13, 2020 2:36 pm
by Briggs
I encountered only two issues while completing the path of the hand:

No sound when pressing the buttons on Gira light fixtures (ambient "activated" noises are present)

Toes were stubbed at this spot at the top of the ladder mech in Kadish (needed to jump to pass through) ... _08_AM.png

Re: Minkata Update Build #165 2020.05.12

Posted: Wed May 13, 2020 4:05 pm
by Mark Dev
I am using Windows 10. I ran the client and the 165 update installed without issue.

Started a new avatar. Played through the hand journey in first person.

Approached the single pillar and clicked the hand symbol. The door opened but I could not see the linking book. The book activation cursor appeared over the pillar's hand symbol. I clicked it and linked to the Cleft.

Aquarium button. I tapped the button and the avatar's hand stuck to it. I then held the button for a few seconds and on release the door activated revealing the linking book The avatar let go of the button.

End of Hand Journey
I completed the hand journey, returned the pillars and retrieved the projector code from D'ni Rudenna. Fell through Relto to the Cleft.
Entered the code into projector and got the shell end instead of the hand journey end. Touched the shell and was linked to D'ni K'veer Island.

Returned to Relto and rift was still open.

Edit - An hour later. I returned to Teledahn and linked to D'ni Rudenna. The code for the projector was different. The new code gave the Hand Journey ending. Not sure what happened there.

Re: Minkata Update Build #165 2020.05.12

Posted: Thu May 14, 2020 1:14 am
by Mark Dev
Completed another Hand Journey with a different avatar.

Eder Gira
Experienced the issue with no sound when pressing the buttons to activate the lights in the caves.

Aquarium button. Long press of button left the avatar stuck to it again with no way to free it. Quit the game and logged back in. Tried tapping the button and the avatar got stuck again but was freed after a long press. The panel then opened as expected.

Returning the Pillars
I have the game set to 'stay in first person'. While returning the pillars to the Bahro cave the game kept switching to third person. On linking to the journey cloths closest to the journey gates in Gahreesen, Teledahn and Eder Kemo, the view was in third person but the avatar was not visible. Tapping F1 a few times put the game back into third person with the avatar visible.

Hand Journey End
The projector code from the cave worked first time giving the long speech and rainy Relto linking book.

Climbed the ladder out of the cleft in first person view. On reaching the top of the ladder the view turned around and the Bahro appeared but the camera stayed with the avatar. After a while, the camera jumped towards the Bahro then slid back behind the now visible avatar in third person view.

Linked to the city using the linking stone in the hood. Went down the Great Stairs and registered the KI at the Ferry Terminal Nexus book pedestal. The avatar got stuck on the pedestal's platform. Managed to jump off. Registered at the other pedestals in the city with no issues.

Re: Minkata Update Build #165 2020.05.12

Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 10:39 pm
by Emor_D'ni_Lap
On 5/17, logging into Minkata Prime .174 External worked perfectly: OpenAL, vcredist_x86 and DirectX SDK installs were smooth. Though I did not go everywhere, I found no issues where I did travel.

On 5/18, logging into Alpha .176 Internal worked well too. The only issue I noted in limited travels: on a new avvie, I was unable to activate my KI for markers in the Great Zero Antechamber. The KI insertion produces the correct soundeffects but not the chip animation and colored segments on the KI, and the one marker in the Antechamber is not activated.